Monday, June 8, 2015

Last night Sarah came home with rumors of another attempt to limit our use of the off leash hours at Dudley C. Allen Park, along with an email from Anthony (Tony) Tsang Yee, which I have copied below.

If anyone has more information about this PLEASE contact me so that we can be prepared to defend our hard fought rights to use our limited time and space with our dogs.

Email from Tony;
Dear Fellow Leonia Neighbors and Dog Owners:

I was just down at the dog park less than 20 minutes ago (Dudely Allen Park). Somebody pointed out to me a posted a sign to the effect that:  Somebody wants the dog park to be closed on Saturdays. There is also a mention of a Board Meeting in June about this... Does anybody have an idea what it really gong on?  If somebody could find out what the real issue is... I would really appreciate it.
As I understand it there is an town ordinance in place that sanctions this part of the park for dog owners.  If there is a counter movement to end or change this ordinance we need to act on it ASAP.

On another and related issue, I also just signed a petition to expand the hours at the dog park. I just think it would get more use out of the park.  I for one would like to be able to let my dogs run there around from 6:30 to 7:30 AM.  BEFORE WORK HOURS.
If you have not yet signed this petition... Please go the LeoniaDog group's site and sign thepetition there.

Anthony Tsang Yee
332 Beechwood Place

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