Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Deborah has sent some more pictures of our companions at the park.

Here are some more pictures of our four footed friends enjoying the last days of summer at the park.

Feel free to write captions for these pictures. One of  us surely can come up with a witty comment to add to these photos.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Last few summer days at the park with our companions.

Thanks to Deborah Shapiro we have a picture of Zooie, and Don, with Lucy underneath the table. In the background is Bridget, on the  left, who looks tuckered out from keeping Clover entertained. Samantha is on the right waiting for Dixie to say when they can go home.
I hope nobody minds me posting candid pictures.If it does let me know ( and I will take it down.  Even better, send in your own pictures and embarrass someone else.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Question to the group; How should I send out emails?

Hope you are all enjoying the great weather we have been having.
The turnout at the park for the evening's off leash hours has been great. It is nice to see so many people and dogs enjoying the park.

The reason for this post; in the beginning we were sending emails to everyone we could think of to garner favor for the off leash hours. This included people from different political persuasions. So as not to offend anyone, it was decided to send blind copies of the email so no one would see who else was on the email list.

Since I have taken over the email list, I have left the politics out, and I only send to people who have requested to be on the list. At this moment the only political names on the list are dog owners, who just happen to hold an office.

Now I ask for a consensus of opinion; Should I continue to send the emails via blind copy or would you like to see the email addresses of the other recipients?

Send your comments to


Monday, September 16, 2013

Help make the LeoniaDog Blog more interesting.
Send pictures of your activities at the park to and I will post them to the Blog.
For that matter send anything that you think would be of interest to dog owners.
Dixie trying to be incognito, you all know how shy and retiring she is.

The Current Rules for use of the off leash hours at Dudley Allen Park

Dudley Allen Park- LEONIA
Weekdays 7:30am to 10;30am
Weekends 8:30am to 11am
ESP hours 3:30 pm to sunset
EDST hours 5pm to sunset
Individuals who use this multi-use park do so at their own risk and acknowledge that the Borough of Leonia bears no responsibility or liability with respect to the use of this park or the actions of any individuals or their pets. Individuals who fail to comply with the below rules may be issued a summons and are subject to fines and loss of privileges. By signing off on these rules, you become a member of the Leonia Dog Owners Group (LDOG) with all the rights and responsibilities that entails.
1. Owners are responsible for cleaning up, bagging, and disposing of dog waste properly.
2. Dogs must be removed from the park at the first sign of aggression.
3. Female dogs in heat are prohibited from entering the park.
4. Owners must monitor and control their dogs at all times.
5. Keep small children and infants under close supervision.
6. For safety, remove all pinch, prong, choke and spike collars.
7. All dogs must have a current license.
8. All dogs must be healthy, properly vaccinated and have no contagious conditions or diseases.
9. Because this is a multi use park, Owners must call and HOLD their dogs if any resident without
a dog walks through the park, so they may walk through without incident.
10. Dog owners must have a leash at all times. Dogs must be on the leash when entering and
before exiting the gated area.
11. Owners must prevent their dogs from digging holes.
12. Owners must put away all tennis balls, etc. when done playing.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why a blog?

I have always wanted a method of sharing the joys and tribulations of owning a dog in Northeastern Bergen County, NJ. Being more specific, about what goes on at a small park in Leonia, NJ.

Below is the story of the rebirth of park land.
         On October 31, 2010 Lakeview Park in Leonia will be renamed Dudley Allen Park. Our past mayor Mr. Allen worked tirelessly to have Route 95 deterred from coming through our lovely community to run south of our town, which it does today.  This significant effort by one individual enhances our quality of life in Leonia every day.  And we are thankful.
         Lakeview Park has had a long and quiet history of being a small and underutilized park and many would agree that for several years no one frequented this little fenced-in open space.  In 2003 a groups of taxpayers requested a space for off-leash recreation with their dogs.  At the time the council investigated creating a “Dog Park” in different areas of town.  The area on Grand Ave, behind the pool was considered. The price at that time = $30,000. – This price was considered and rejected by the council.
         In 2004 the Recreation Commission granted permission to this same group of residents the use of Lakeview for off-leash recreation for a few hours each day, as part of the “multi-use” nature of the park.  Known to be an underutilized park, already fenced, this off-leash usage was added at no cost to the taxpayers.
         In 2006, an ordinance was put in place to clarify the hours.  Hours are limited to approximately 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. At that time, the Recreation Commission created a Code of Conduct, which is posted by the entrance.
         This recreation proves not only to be healthy for our dogs, but those of us who gather to enjoy the company of friends and neighbors. We honor the park rules posted by the Recreation Commission, we self-police the area and encourage each other to supervise their dogs and take responsibility for the condition of the park.
         Unfortunately, after 2 years of quietly using this space, once the ordinance was passed in 2006, our presence during these limited hours caused certain residents to put forth false statements claiming that the off-leash usage is unhealthy, unsafe and the participants unfriendly.  Complaints by local residents have been thoroughly investigated and found unsubstantiated.  Leonia’s Board of Health – Health Inspector reported the area clean and safe to use (The report is available at the Borough Hall). The Recreation Commission conducted a lengthy investigation on noise issues among other complaints.  Their summary stated the complaints were unfounded.  (The report is available at the Recreation Building). All of Leonia Parks are part of NJ Green Acres.  This designation states that our parks cannot be limited to Leonia residents only.
     The park is a clean, safe, and friendly place that is currently enjoyed by many taxpaying members of our community. The Recreation Commission is currently applying grant money to improve the park for all Leonians including adjusting the playground equipment for use by younger children as well as separating the off-leash recreation area from the playground area so that all residents can enjoy the park.
         Lakeview Park’s revitalization by the Recreation Commission is long overdue and we hope that all Leonians have an opportunity to visit and enjoy the new and improved space.  Although there is a “dog park in Overpeck Park, we believe the job of those in the governing sector is to serve all of Leonia’s taxpayers by trying to accommodate the needs and requests of a very diverse community.  Overpeck Park offers many facilities including tennis courts, swings, and fields, so does that mean the Town of Leonia shouldn’t? 
         The dog owners of Leonia and neighboring communities have brought life back to Lakeview Park.  Where there was no energy, there is now an active community and spirit enjoying this open space.  We have fun there. We would like to thank the Mayor, Council, and Recreation Commission for enhancing the park this fall.  Mr. Allen, who worked so diligently to guard and protect our quality of life, would be please to know that Leonia parks are for all people and recreation is whatever any law-abiding taxpayer wishes it to be.  Whether you bring your dog during off-leash hours, your child, your book or just yourself, Lakeview, soon to be Dudley Allen Park is for everyone.